Massage Therapy Seminars in the Workplace

Stress Solutions
Massage in the workplace is a hot topic! Large and small organizations are seeing big results in morale, employee health and the bottom line when massage and meditation are brought into the work environment. Healthy Balance Massage can provide meditation instruction and massage therapy for stressed-out workers at all levels of the company.

I am happy and proud to tell you I've been the onsite massage therapist at Battelle Research Institute in Columbus Ohio since 2002. The management there knows the importance of a healthy work force, and you can repeat that success in your business as well.

Simple relaxation is not the only goal for employees. The stiff neck and sore shoulders from being at a computer workstation during a highly productive 40 hour week can be easily alleviated in a 15 minute massage. And with work life becoming the 'second family', a body tune-up with massage at work can address the gardening, active play and snow shovelling pains that crop up in all of us. Owners and managers: please understand that a 15 minute massage each week is an investment in the other 39+ hours the employee is on the job.

Seminars and Orientation Talks
If you are thinking of bringing meditation and massage into your company, I am available to give informative talks on a broad range of topics. Common sense is not all that common when it comes to soft-tissue issues. An orientation talk for employees interested in massage, or for those in HR or Benefits can clarify the purpose and benefits of workplace massage.

Some Topics
With so many tools I can use for my clients, I can offer clear and concise informationon many topics for you and your company in handy 20 minute 'brown bag' lunch talks. Some of these topics include:

  • An Overview: How Massage can Help
  • An Overview: Meditation Techniques and my 6-part Meditation Program
  • Relaxation Massage Techniques
  • Therapeutic Massage: How to Fix It!
  • Essential Oils and Aromatherapy
  • Boost Immunity & Detoxify with Lymphatic Massage
  • My Experiences with Onsite Massage

If you want to book a Massage Therapy seminar or Meditation lecture in your organization, call or email me and we’ll put it on the schedule. I have over 7 years of workplace massage at Battelle and can help you formulate a plan for health and well-being in your company.