The Massage You're Looking For

 Massage modalities can be combined to get the massage you're looking for: From deep therapeutic massage to light, relaxing touch. Try a 60 or 90 minute massage including a mix of Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, hot stones, and perhaps essential oils or guided imagery. One price includes almost any technique listed below.

  • Relaxation Massage  Unwind and De-Stress with a relaxation massage. Simply feel good. With the bodywork we can also use essential oils known for their calming effects. And some hot stone massage too. Just say Yes.
  • Therapeutic Massage Alleviate Pain and Regain Function. Therapeutic massage includes deep tissue work, trigger point therapy and myofascial release and is sometimes called the 'hurts so good' massage. Increases strength and mobility while it eases pain.
  • Hawaiian Lomi Lomi The Most Beautiful and Relaxing Massage of All. Lomi Lomi comes from the ancient healing culture of Hawaii and involves long, sweeping strokes that go from shoulders to feet, and across the body. These continuous, flowing movements quiet the mind like no other bodywork and unify the body with the emotions and Spirit for a total experience. I've been taught various Hawaiian healing modalities by Tom Cochran and Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim. Lomi Lomi transforms whatever is ready to change in your life, and provides you a fresh opportunity to evolve physically, emotionally and spiritually. Sessions last about 50
  •  minutes and costs $75. Call and ask about my own experiences receiving and providing Lomi. It's just amazing!
  • Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) Boost Immunity and Detoxify with Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT). This gentle modality greatly increases the lymph flow, resulting in a supercharged immune system and release of toxins. I've had clients who cleared up months-long sinus infections with LDT. People who have chosen LDT over the yearly flu shot have never gotten the flu in those years. Essential oils known for their immune-boosting and detoxifying properties combine well with LDT. LDT is recommended seasonally to allow the body to move toxic accumulations out of the body. This is an incredibly gentle technique that often gives enormous benefits. 
  • Essential Oil Therapy The Healing Properties of Essential Oils are Many and Varied. The Raindrop Technique and Essential Oils accomplish a wide variety of things. Relax and de-stress, detoxify, ease pain, digestion, skin issues, fungal infections, depression, headache and so much more. The essential oils I use are very high quality and therapeutic grade.
  • Onsite Chair Massage Bring Massage to the Source of the Stress. I've used to provided Onsite Chair Massage at Battelle Research Institute in Columbus Ohio for over 10 years and I've seen how important it is to address Stress and physical imbalance in the workplace. Clients are fully clothed and extra care is taken to keep clothes and hair in order. 15 minutes of chair massage is excellent for stress and pain, and does not lead to sleepiness or lethargy, instead boosting alertness, well being, team work and productivity.
  • Energy Work Bring in the Healing Energy of the Universe. Available to all, but rarely called upon consciously, Ki, Prana, Ether, the Holy Spirit... is a natural energy and healing resource we can all connect to with a little practice. This elemental foundation for health and awareness takes the form of Reiki, Quantum Touch, and mutual prayer. Clients in the past have achieved success with low back issues, fibromyalgia, depression, overwhelm, Lupus and more.
  • Guided Imagery Use the mind to assist the body. Using guided imagery improves the mind-body connection and therefor helps establish health and balance in any number of ways. Bring down stress levels, be empowered to move forward through a difficult time or a healing crisis, see a healthier future, and direct healing energy within.
  • Hot Stones Melt Tension, Soothe Pains and Just Relax. Everyone's favorite 'ah...' are the hot stones. Basalt stones were created in fire and hold the heat while you relax and I save my hands! We can rest the stones on your chakras, place them over your sore lower back, or use them to rub out the tension in the legs, back and shoulders. It's all good...